How Can I Talk About Abortion In a Truthful, Loving Way? ft. Sr. Virginia Joy
Today on the podcast, we have our first ever woman religious! I knew when I kicked off The Catholic Feminist that I wanted to have sisters on as well as laypeople. Sisters are OUR sisters, and they're a very important part of Catholic womanhood. So it was an honor to speak with Sister Virginia Joy about the Sisters of Life and how to effectively communicate about abortion.
Topics discussed:
- Who the Sisters of Life are and what they do
- The long-term effects of abortion on women
- Why being pro-life is actually a feminist position
- The importance of keeping an open dialogue with those on the pro-choice side
- What to do if a friend or family member is considering having an abortion
- The one thing we must do to help the pro-life movement (hint: it's prayer!)
- How to speak to others about abortion
- How to discern your vocation if you're struggling in that department